Here I am, back from a weekend away in Lymington. Sadly the main street has many closed shops, as do a lot of other places that we all know, but I very much liked the shops that were left. There were some interesting boutiques and I am proud to say that I managed to restrain myself, apart from a couple of fancy hair grips. Best of all though, there was a wool shop! Wool shops have become very scarce recently, so I was more than delighted to find one. I am now the proud owner of a pattern and the wool to knit myself a winter cardigan. Quite when I’m going to do this I’m not sure, but at least I have the necessary.
We visited as many antiques centres as we could find, but without any luck. We didn’t bump into James and Greg either. Funnily enough, on our return to Oxfordshire, we stopped at a local centre and that’s where we were lucky. I think we still have a few square inches of surface in the house that isn’t home to a piece of porcelain! That said, it is always exciting when you find something special.
Until next week…
With love
Antonia xx