To do or not to do?In other words, procrastination. For a start I love the word, and for seconds I’m rather good at it. Many years ago, a very dear friend once said to me, “Why do today what you can happily put off until tomorrow?” I was rather taken with the sentiment and do my best to adhere to it.
My mother also had a saying, “Don’t worry, it’ll still be there tomorrow.” This was probably said to me when I was saying “I ought to do something or other.” Ought is a word I actively dislike. We should do what we like doing, not what we ought to be doing.
I’m proud of myself this week. I cleaned the silver which I ought to have cleaned at least six months ago. Boy, do I feel self-righteous! All that procrastination over and done with!
I’m not one for duty, I’m much more for pleasure. In fact I recently made a decision that I was only going to do things I enjoy doing, and I stick to this as much as possible. Previously if I was reading a book I wasn’t enjoying, I would soldier on until the end. Now I discard it rapidly. The same goes for my knitting. If I’m not enjoying the pattern, I frog it back and start something else.
I fear I have wandered off the subject of procrastination somewhat, for which I apologise, but I’m sure you get my drift.
Until next week.
With love
Antonia xx