I visited Cottisford, which is the village of Fordlow in the Candleford books, last week. It was a totally unexpected visit, brought about because Mr A’s bicycle had a puncture and he needed my assistance. Unfortunately the “instant bike tyre fix” I had bought him as one of his Christmas presents did not do what it said on the can, so he was unable to repair the puncture at the roadside. Hence I was summoned to deliver a new inner tube. His cycling companion returned home by bike and came back in his car complete with foot pump and the offending tyre was duly inflated, without the need for my inner tube.
Once Mr A had departed, and before I set off to follow him, I decided to have a look round the churchyard and was lucky enough to find the church unlocked, so in I went. It was a charming little church and I found a plaque dedicated to the author Flora Thompson.
Cottisford is a delightful hamlet and I think well worth a visit should you be in the vicinity.
Until next week…
Antonia xx