And then it was nearly New Year’s Eve! How was your Christmas? I hope whatever you chose to do was special for you and that you were gifted a book from the Emotions series.
Mr A and I spent Christmas quietly, which is just as we like it. I was spoiled with lovely gifts and had a good rest. Since cooking the dinner on Christmas Day I don’t really seem to have done a lot. We saw friends and family before the day itself and had Christmas Day à deux. Perfect. We are going out to a drinks party this lunchtime and then out to lunch on New Year’s Day. It was my turn to choose the venue this year, so I hope it will be good.
Soon it will be time to take down the decorations and put them away for another year. I shall miss my Christmas trees!
May the New Year bring you all health, happiness, peace and prosperity.
Until next year!
With love
Antonia xx