Well, here we are in 2025. I hope it’s started well for you and that you haven’t been too hindered by the weather, whether too hot or too cold or too waterlogged. It’s currently raining here and washing away some of the snow that had fallen earlier.
Do you make New Year’s Resolutions, I wonder? My father always made the same two – not to wear a top hat and not to drink cocoa. I thought them to be interesting choices. Personally I don’t make resolutions, as I don’t like failing! For that same reason I have never written a business plan in my life, much to the frustration of those who have worked with me.
Goal setting is another popular New Year’s topic. If my back is firmly pressed against an appropriate wall, I might mutter something on that subject, but you can be fairly sure that I’ll know that I can acheive a goal before I set it, let alone mention it!
I seem to have deviated somewhat from the New Year theme. Apologies. Let me conclude by wishing for you all that you wish for yourself.
Have a good week.
Love as always
Antonia xx