What do your thoughts turn to with the chillier weather and the darker nights? I really enjoy reading and writing and also knitting at this time of year. I have just finished another baby blanket for the John Radcliffe Hospital, but the photograph doesn’t do the colour justice. It is a beautiful soft pink. I’m now knitting a pistachio green one, which I’m enjoying immensely. It’s a really pretty pattern. Of course I shall show you when I have finished It.
You’ll be pleased to know that I have started writing book 5 in the Emotions series and there’s a competition on my Facebook page to guess the title. There have been some really interesting entries so far, but no-one has guessed correctly yet. If you haven’t already, why don’t you have a go?
Conflicting Emotions has been available for a couple of weeks now. If you have read it, I would really appreciate it if you left me an Amazon review. It could help others decide if they would like to read it. We authors need all the help we can get!
Mr A and I are off to Lymington tomorrow for a few days. The weather forecast is decent too! Forgive me for mentioning the C word, but I’m hopeful that I might be able to do a little Christmas shopping. There is also an antiques centre in nearby Lyndhurst so you can be assured that we’ll be having a good look around there. Mr A is becoming even keener at collecting than I am! I’ll make sure I keep an eye out for Greg and James. Who knows?
Until next week
Antonia xx