Flora Thompson memorial plaque

Lark Rise to Candleford

I visited Cottisford, which is the village of Fordlow in the Candleford books, last week.  It was a totally unexpected visit, brought about because Mr A’s bicycle had a puncture and he needed my assistance.  Unfortunately the “instant bike tyre…

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Spring flowers

Has Spring sprung?

According to the meteorological calendar Spring starts on 1 March and finishes on 31 May.  Certainly this year 1 March was a beautiful day and looking ahead to the coming week, the sunny weather looks set to continue.  I spent…

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Walking – an update

When I started my half hour daily walks, I undertook to report back to you on progress. Well, I have done six walks every week, with the seventh one being stopped by rain, so feel pretty proud of myself.  I…

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Valentine's Day roses

Valentine’s Day

As I write this I wonder whether you actually celebrate Valentine’s Day?  We do.  Perhaps with not so much excitement as we did in earlier years, when we had a few days away, but nevertheless we celebrate. This year it…

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Antonia setting out to walk in the cold

Getting fit a step at a time (literally)

I read an article last week about making little changes to improve one’s health and fitness, so decided I would give it a go.  I have chosen to do a half hour walk each day.  This was one of the…

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Chinese Year of the Snake

Out with the Dragon, in with the Snake

We are currently in the midst of bidding farewell to the Dragon and welcoming the Snake.  Yes, it was the start of the Lunar New Year on Wednesday and the celebrations will culminate with the Lantern Festival on 12 February. …

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Tulips in just the right amount of water

A couple of tips

Having made myself accountable to you all, I am delighted to report that both my green jumper and my latest premature baby blanket have been finished and the blanket has been delivered to the collection point for the hospital. I…

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Antonia talking about her books

Stitches in time

It’s been an interesting week.  I gave my first author talk in years to a local group in my home town on Thursday afternoon.   People said they enjoyed it, which is always good to hear, although one always feels…

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Image of deadline clock

To do or not to do?

To do or not to do?In other words, procrastination.  For a start I love the word, and for seconds I’m rather good at it.  Many years ago, a very dear friend once said to me, “Why do today what you…

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Happy New Year 2025

Happy New Year!

Well, here we are in 2025.  I hope it’s started well for you and that you haven’t been too hindered by the weather, whether too hot or too cold or too waterlogged.  It’s currently raining here and washing away some…

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Christmas presents under the tree

How was it for you?

And then it was nearly New Year’s Eve!  How was your Christmas?  I hope whatever you chose to do was special for you and that you were gifted a book from the Emotions series. Mr A and I spent Christmas…

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Antonia at Christmas, wrapped up warm


What does Christmas mean to you, I wonder?  It means so many different things to so many different people. To children it might mean Father Christmas, presents, nativity plays, carol concerts and finally school holidays.  To the people who teach…

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Christmas scene

To send, or not to send?

To send, or not to send, that is the question…  I decided a few years ago not to send Christmas cards, apart from to the children and grandchildren and Mr A’s German relatives. At the time I was a working…

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What would you do?

I’ve had a thoughtful couple of weeks as I’ve not been too well and one of the things I’ve been thinking about is the restaurants that Mr A and I visit.  As you will know from previous snippets we’re always…

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Antonia's snowy garden

Here comes winter!

Never mind about the leaves that are green turning to brown, I think we may be by-passing autumn and heading straight for winter.  I do hope, if you’re in the UK, that you haven’t been adversely affected by Storm Bert. …

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Alfred's medals on dsiplay

My father’s medals

As it was Remembrance Sunday last Sunday, my thoughts turned to my father’s war medals.  A friend came to lunch who worked for the MOD all his life and used to organise the uniforms for the major military events, such…

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Antonia wears her poppy with pride


I felt it appropriate this week to write a few words about Remembrance Sunday, held in the UK on the second Sunday in November, to commemorate the contribution made by British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen in the two…

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Image of Antonia enjoying autumn

Whoosh and it’s autumn!

As Simon and Garfunkel sang in 1966 (for those of you who are old enough to remember), “and the leaves that are green turn to brown.” The arrival of autumn sparks very definite feelings.  For some it makes things more…

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AA with classic car

A Classic day

I hadn’t been to a classic car meeting for a while, but on Saturday I accompanied Mr A to Haddenham Classic Cars’ meeting at Bradmoor Farm.  The weather was fine and it was a most enjoyable morning.  We took our…

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Purple wool for winter warmth

Weekend away

Here I am, back from a weekend away in Lymington.  Sadly the main street has many closed shops, as do a lot of other places that we all know, but I very much liked the shops that were left.  There…

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Detail of baby blanket

Autumn is coming

What do your thoughts turn to with the chillier weather and the darker nights?  I really enjoy reading and writing and also knitting at this time of year.  I have just finished another baby blanket for the John Radcliffe Hospital,…

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Mr A with Gurkha beer

A new experience!

“Let’s go out for a meal after my meeting with my publisher,” I said to my husband. “Let’s try somewhere different,” he replied.  “I’ve never eaten Nepalese food.  Do you fancy giving it a go?” So…that’s how Mr A and…

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Antonia at work on book 5


I’m really excited to tell you that Conflicting Emotions is now available and first of all I must thank those of you who have already bought it.  Thank you all so very much. With the latest book done and dusted,…

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Champagne celebration

A real red letter day!

The fabulous fourth in my Emotions series comes out today, bringing more stories of love, loss and laughter in the Rowlands family. I really enjoyed writing Conflicting Emotions: An Oxfordshire Quandary – and I very much hope you’ll enjoy reading…

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Antonia in Cornwall

September News

Hello everyone It’s hard to believe we’re nearly half way through September, although the days are drawing in really quickly now.  It’s the time of year to curl up with a good book and a cup of coffee/glass of wine. …

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Antonia Abbott outside Whistler cafe

Relaunch of Emotions Series & Update

Here I am outside Whistlers in Chipping Norton, during a walkabout where I was reminiscing about the locations in my novels. Like Susie, I used to enjoy visiting Whistlers when I lived in Church Enstone. It is now ten years…

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